
Anorak News | Jade Goody’s Bicycle Tour And Bombshell News

Jade Goody’s Bicycle Tour And Bombshell News

by | 15th, September 2008

JADE Goody ‘the Hoody’ appears on the Sun’s front page to tell readers about her “NEW HOPE”.

Jade says that since her hysterectomy she thinks doctors are wicked and wants to team up with Dr Grame Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor and cycle round the country promoting Goody news and Goody tidings.

Before that, though, “BRAVE” Jade Goody is pictured crying while the paper’s Colin Robertson tells readers that “one of the biggest upsets in her cancer battle is facing up to the fact that she will never have a daughter.”

No little Jade. For shame!

Robertson relates the story of Jade at a little girl’s birthday party. Says Jade:

“I could just hear people in the background having conversations about the first nappy change and it got to me and I had to go upstairs.”

No, dear readers, not to do as Old Mr Anorak would do and use the telephone to call for rescue, but to be alone with her nappy, sorry, happy thoughts.

Jade then tells us that when she was diagnosed she “did go into my own little shell”. Or shells.

Shell No.1 is otherwise known as GMTV, from where Jade whispered to the world about her condition.

Shells No. 2 is labelled “Sun”, from where Jade whispered her words into the form of a book.

Jade fights on. Says the Sun in its “Sun Says” column: “Love Jade or hate her, that’s the spirit you have to admire.”

And cannot ignore…

Posted: 15th, September 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comments (8) | TrackBack | Permalink