Sarah Palin Watch: Britain’s View Of Sarah Palin
SARAH Palin Watch: Anorak’s look at Sarah Palin in the news…
THE SUN: “I taught Sarah to shoot and butcher a moose…the boys in Washington won’t scare her.”
Sarah’s dad Chuck Heath shot a grizzly bear three years ago and its skin adorns a sofa in Sarah’s office. Now she is in the political bear pit after accepting the Republican Vice-Presidential nomination.
Kill it. Skin it. Decorate with it. Says Chuck:
“She started shooting a gun when she was eight and shot her first animal when she was ten. It was something small, possibly a rabbit.”
Every child wants a pet…
“She is a really good shot. I taught her to shoot a moose and dress it, to fish and hunt for game.”
She can see Russia from her house. And she’s a good shot. Woe betides Russia if it comes a-callin’…
To Wasilla in moose-hunting season… a town of Big Shot Taxidermy, Bunny Boots and Happy Hooker Tows.
And Palins’s foreign policy isn’t so limited. You can see Africa, on a clear day…
One local store even has a giraffe head or an entire stuffed lion eating a zebra for the more cosmopolitan hunting fan.
Bu what of Sarah? What of her policies?
Jessica Steele, the creator of Sarah’s much admired hairdo, lives here too. She said Alaska’s governor could easily mix politics, children and highlights. Jessica, owner of the Beehive Beauty Shop in Wasilla, said: “We would talk about pedicures and manicures and moose and politics, all while Sarah was having foils in her hair and holding my baby on her lap. We worked on putting her hair up in a move to TONE DOWN her sexy image and make her seem taller.
“We would talk a lot about how if she looked too pretty or too sexy, people wouldn’t listen to her.”
Too sexy? It can’t be all swimsuits and evening attire. There’s the chat with the judges, too. Says Linda Maynard:
“Sarah was reluctant at first but I suggested she try because the prize money would help pay her college fees.”
And they’re still trying to free the last girl who licked the lap dancing pole in ice-cold Alaska?
“I helped her get a dress and coached her about how to walk and answer the judges’ questions. The only part she didn’t like was the swimwear — she didn’t want people looking at her rear.”
Never runs away!
“But I never had any doubt that she would win — and of course that’s what happened. She was extremely attractive but she answered the judges’ questions in such a confident manner that I was amazed.”
DAILY EXPRESS: “The stampede for Palin’s peep-toes”
Fire at will…
Posted: 15th, September 2008 | In: Politicians, Tabloids 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink