
Anorak News | Learning Scientology With Jennifer Lopez

Learning Scientology With Jennifer Lopez

by | 8th, October 2008

JENNIFER Lopez is in interview with ‘The Daily Beast

JL “I do know a lot about Scientology. And I know about the practices. I know all about what the technology is and all that kind of stuff. It’s very helpful. So in a sense, yeah, you do call on it.”

DB “Do you consider yourself a Scientologist?”

JL “No…I wouldn’t have a problem saying [I was] because I know what it is. I have no problems with it and it really actually bothers me that people have such a negative feeling towards it.”

DB “That it is too exotic? Too cultish?”

JL “Just negative feelings.”

DB “Would you consider schooling Emme and Max in a Scientology school?”

JL “Yeah. I wouldn’t mind. Not at all. Because I know that the technologies that they have are very helpful…It’s all about communication. That’s the thing I really don’t like about talking about this. I do know so many great people who do do it, who choose it as a lifestyle and really follow it and it is their religion…I just wish that people wouldn’t judge it without knowing what it is.”

So how do we find out what it is? We buy the book. We attend the semniaaaaar. We belieeeve. Do you belieeeeeveeeee…?

Posted: 8th, October 2008 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink