IMF Orders The Markets Down By 20%
REUTERS is reporting that the IMF’s chief economist Olivier Blanchard has said:
“In a worst-case scenario, governments will need a few more weeks to take the correct measures and the markets could fall another 20 percent. Then, we’ll turn around,”
(Image: Beau Bo D’Or Website)
Just when you think that the IMF couldn’t get worse, they come up with an act of such utter imbecility that I am almost at a loss for words.
It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that just about guarantees that the markets will fall at least another 20%, not in the next few weeks but next week…
– Chenier
Goodbye, Cruel World – The IMF’s Suicide Note
Gordon Brown’s Solid Gold Joke
Posted: 11th, October 2008 | In: Money Comments (18) | TrackBack | Permalink