David Cameron Employs Tony Blair To Save His British Business
DAY 2 of the Daily Mail’s campaign to help small firms, and the drive is already bearing dividends.
What are the odds that the campaign that coincided with the Government and Opposition’s drive to help small business would be such an instant hit?
If only the politicos listened.
“First day of the Mail campaign brings action from the Government and key pledges from the Tories.”
It is “ROUND ONE TO SMALL FIRMS.” Double hurrah!
Over pages 6 and 7, the Mail screams: “Mail campaign triggers action.”
And while the Mail takes the credit, David Cameron is happy to flatter the paper and its readers. He’s one of you. Says Dave:
“That’s why I completely support the Daily Mail’s campaign.”
The only thing that can scupper the Mail’s campaign is the Sun, which has solicited the support of pointy-fingered Alan Sugar to back small business.
“We are all in this together,” says Sir Alan, who is pictured giving readers the finger he uses to sack tens of people for our entertainment.
And you know who else is backing the Sun’s drive?
“I congratulate the Sun campaign to support small businesses,” says David Cameron.
Yes, Dave’s at the head of every campaign.
If the Sun and Mail march on Downing Street on the same day, Dave will have to run between the groups, or else employ a look-alike to please all of the people all of the time.
Is Tony Blair busy?
Posted: 21st, October 2008 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink