Unidentified Sailing Objects Invade The Isle Of Skye
TO SKYE, my bonnie. The Government have been watching and taking notes (do read to the end):
At 6:40pm on Wednesday evening Stornoway Coastguard received call from the Police at Portree on the Isle of Skye reporting that one of their off-duty officers had sighted red and bright white flashing lights 200 yards off the beach at Staffin Bay in the North of the island.
The officer reported that he could see three of these lights in the water and that they appeared to be drifting. Thinking they were from a vessel he had flashed his torch at the lights but received no response. Another member of the public also reported seeing a flashing red light in the bay and went down to the beach to investigate.
The off-duty Police Officer then called Stornoway Coastguard to say that one of the red lights had now turned into a bright white light.
Fearing someone may be in difficulty; Stornoway Coastguard sent members of the Duntulm Coastguard Rescue Team to investigate further from the shore and requested the Portree RNLI Lifeboat to attend.
When the Coastguard Rescue Team arrived at Staffin Bay the lights were clearly visible but no objects or vessels could be seen using their powerful search lights. On entering the bay from seaward the Portree Lifeboat crew were unable to see any lights in the bay so Duntulm Coastguard guided the lifeboat towards their location.
As the Lifeboat closed the position of the objects, one set of lights was seen in the surf line on the beach.
Duntulm Coastguard were able to recover the object, over an hour after the initial call, only to discover that it was an eight inch long model boat with a masthead light, a red light, a flashing white light on the bow and another red light on the stern.
On the yellow sail of the model boat was written “HAPPY 42nd BIRTHDAY OLLIE XXX”.
Over the sea to Skye…
Posted: 30th, October 2008 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink