
Anorak News | Charlize Theron Dry Humps The UN

Charlize Theron Dry Humps The UN

by | 15th, November 2008

HAIL, CHARLIZE Theron, United Nations messenger of peace.

Says U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

“You have used your voice, compassion and special relationship with the public to create a better world.”


Mary Ann Lomax: Say I can handle it.
Kevin Lomax: You can handle it.
Mary Ann Lomax: Say something nice.
Kevin Lomax: Something nice.

The Devil’s Advocate

Karen: [pointing a gun] Take me to her! You SON OF A BITCH!


Aileen: [recalling when she was about to kill herself] So, I was gonna do it, and the only reason I didn’t was a 5 dollar bill, I knew I’d probably given some asshole a blowjob for it, so, it really started to piss me off that if I killed myself without spending it, well then I basically sucked him up for free!


“He walked me home and made out with me. That was my second kiss and he got to second base too. Then there was Ben – he was my first dry hump”

The Messenger of Peace, herself

Theron and theron and theron…

Posted: 15th, November 2008 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink