The Columnists Do Baby P: Death, Middle Class Evil And Porn
BABY P Watch: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at Baby P in the news…
A child is killed. The child is blonde. The papers have their new cause to shock and sicken…
CAROLE MALONE (Sunday Mirror): “Baby P: They’re ALL guilty”
They. Guilty. Of what crime?
I HAD to force myself to read it. And every sickening, gut-wrenching detail made me want to hunt down the monsters who’d hurt Baby P—or allowed him to be hurt—and hurt THEM.
There’s a Facebook club you can join, Carole…
Never in all my years in this job have I read an account of child cruelty like this one.
Never. Not Jamie Bulger; not Bradely & Hindley; not the case files of paediatricians specialising in child protection?
The Wave Trust charity recently produced a grim list of the most disturbing cases that have followed over the intervening 35 years. Jasmine Lorrington, battered to death at the age of four in 1984; 20-month-old Martin Nicoll, who died of 68 injuries in 1991; Lauren Wright, 6, starved and beaten to death in 2000; two-year-old Ainlee Labonte, ditto, in January 2002; and 21 month old John Gray, who died as a result of 200 injuries, including a ruptured liver, in 2003.
Is Carole looking for a researcher?
I kept seeing them punching him, smacking his head, knocking his teeth down his throat. I kept thinking at what point did his spine snap? How agonising was it? How often did they hurt him? Did this little mite ever feel one moment’s love or happiness?
In my mind’s eye I saw them making him beg like a dog, spinning him round in that chair till he fell off. I imagined his eyes wide with terror, thinking: “No, please, not again.”
Enough! Make it stop…. Maaaaaake it stop, please….
Posted: 16th, November 2008 | In: Key Posts, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink