
Anorak News | When Bankers Run The Internet: Lloyds BT

When Bankers Run The Internet: Lloyds BT

by | 22nd, November 2008

SAYS DAVID Hendon on bankers and the internet:

These are all internet problems and [internet users] think someone should do something about it.

Although many internet users think the government should keep out of the internet, I suggest to you that most ordinary people who just use the internet like they use the banking system or the trains think that the government should make sure it all works properly for them and that bad things get stopped from happening.

Yeah, really. Says:

– David Hendon, Director, Business Relations 2, Business Group , Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, speaking to the registrars’ meeting of Nominet.

Says Guy Herbert:

Imagine, if the government regulated it, then the internet would run as well as the banking system and bad things would get stopped from happening. This was a speech made yesterday.

Lloyds BT – The horror! The horror!

Posted: 22nd, November 2008 | In: Money Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink