
Anorak News | Former Taiwan President Kicked In Arse And Supporters Rip Wig Off Lawmaker

Former Taiwan President Kicked In Arse And Supporters Rip Wig Off Lawmaker

by | 16th, December 2008

WHILE Obama waits for the other shoe to drop, Su Ansheng, a member of a group promoting unification between Taiwan and China, kicks her country’s former president, Chen Shuibian in the backside.

The boy named Su kicked Mr Chen at a court hearing in July.

Last week, Mr Chen was indicted for embezzlement and money-laundering together with 13 other defendants, including his wife and son. The prosecution alleges that Mr Chen obtained $45 million in bribes.

Chen has his kickers. But he has his supporters, too.

One of that number, Huang Yung-tien, snatched the wig off the head of Kuomintang lawmaker Chiu Yi.

Yi is the “ruling party lawmaker, widely known for his persistent allegations of wrongdoing against ex-President Chen Shui-bian”…

“It feels like someone pulled my trousers down in public,” Chiu told reporters later, before suing Huang for impinging on his freedom.

Insert joke about faces and arses here…

Posted: 16th, December 2008 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink