Liverpool offer support to Steven Gerrard
In the immediate aftermath of Stevie G being charged for assault and affray, Liverpool FC issued a statement saying it would back its captain:
“Steven has been an outstanding servant to Liverpool for the last 10 years and the club will give him all the support he needs at this time.”
No no no no. No.
Liverpool got this one wrong. Jeez, they even made Gerrard sound like the victim, not the perpetrator.
Yes, we know Stevie G is still innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law (don’t hold your breath), but that doesn’t mean his service in a Liverpool shirt gives him a free pass to behave however he wants.
Funny how football clubs always rush to defend their best players, but not the journeymen squad players. Imagine, for example, if Steven Gerrard, not Luke McCormick, had killed a couple of kids in a car crash (an extreme example, but a relevant one also). Would Liverpool have cancelled Gerrard’s contract almost immediately after the incident – as Plymouth Argyle rightly did to McCormick – or would the England hero have been treated differently? We don’t know the answer, but suspect that Gerrard might not have been vilified so quickly.
Posted: 30th, December 2008 | In: Sports Comment | TrackBack | Permalink