Jett Crashes Scientology: Making Mileage From John Travolta’s Loss
JOHN Travolta’s son Jett Travolta is dead, and the Daily Mirror announces in a bold headline:
He might well have had them right before he died in a Bahamas hotel. And Anorak readers may wonder if you can have a seizure once you are dead?
Of course, this story is not about Jett Travolta, who was famous in life for being named as an aeroplane. The story is one of celebrity. And the Mirror ends its piece on the death of a teenager is never knew with:
“Stars who have comforted Travolta and his wife with messages and phone calls include fellow Scientologist Tom Cruise.”
And in the Sun:
“Oprah Winfrey was due to arrive in the Bahamas…to comfort the couple. Tom Cruise, a fellow Scientologist… plans to visit the family.”
Tom Cruise… Scientology… A link? The Gawker website speculates:
Whatever the cause of his seizures, a Travolta family lawyer now says Jett had been taking Depakote, an anti-seizure medication, but had to stop it because of liver damage. Liver damage from Depakote is rare; more recently, the FDA has been concerned about its link to suicidal thoughts — exactly the kind of condition Scientologists they believe they can treat through the religious coursework they call “auditing.”
Owen Thomas then engages a line of truly awesome crassness and insensitivity:
“…the accusation will linger that they privileged their adherence to Scientology over their devotion to their son.”
Thomas resists the chance to headline his piece “Jett Crashes”, instead using:
Time to Audit Scientology’s Anti-Medicine Stance
And time to eke the gravy of sensation from a dead teenager…
Posted: 5th, January 2009 | In: Celebrities Comments (21) | TrackBack | Permalink