
Anorak News | Gaza, Israel And How It Gets Cold In Winter

Gaza, Israel And How It Gets Cold In Winter

by | 5th, January 2009

GAZA and Israel. Predictable stuff.

The newspapers all lead with news of the war/ conflict/ incursion/ invasion/ defence/ Holocaust/ massacre (delete as applicable).

Well, with the exception of the Daily Star which brings its readers “B.BRO GIRLS BITCH FIGHT” – an insight into what would happen if women ran Hamas – and the Mirror which roars, “TRAVOLTA: MY FIGHT TO SAVE SON”, from Death, which may or may not be the next Iranian backed group to replace Hamas.

Oh, and the Daily Express also opts for another story, telling its readers that it’s cold outside:

“SUB-ZERO BRITAIN. Temperatures plummet to -9 as the longest freeze for a decade tightens grip.”

Global cooling takes hold!

All three stories are as predictable as, well, violence in the Middle East…

Posted: 5th, January 2009 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink