
Anorak News | How The Sun Might Cost Haringey Over Baby P

How The Sun Might Cost Haringey Over Baby P

by | 6th, January 2009

MORE news on the Baby P case, with the Sun leading with news that Sharon Shoesmith, former head of Haringey children’s services department, is appealing against her dismissal.

The paper says that the “bungler” could be in line for a £173,000 pay out.

A source is invited to say how it is “disgusting”.

And the Sun may be called to any tribunal, claming:

“Councillors were forced to act after 1.4 million Sun readers signed out petition…demanding sackings.”

If she wins then Haringey will lose money it could have spent on, well, children’s services.
Thanks to the caring Sun.

Posted: 6th, January 2009 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink