
Anorak News | Internet Cold Turkey Sex For China Woman With 68 Husbands

Internet Cold Turkey Sex For China Woman With 68 Husbands

by | 6th, January 2009

IT’S not only tabloid hacks and the people who write those health warnings at the end of soap operas that have trouble differentiating between fact and fiction. It’s the Chinese, too:

Here, in addition to military-style discipline, some 60-odd patients at his center undergo a three-month regimen of counseling, confidence-building activities, sex education, and in about 60 percent of the cases, medication. The treatment is designed to address underlying family and psychological problems, and boost their self-confidence.There are a handful of young women here, going “cold turkey” from “Audition” and similar games, where players engage in dance battles, decorate virtual homes, and have virtual husbands and babies. (One female patient had amassed 68 “husbands,” says Tao, with a sigh).

For those unable to attend, the centre runs a virtual treatment centre in Second Life, although only women with huge pneumatic breasts and men with huge pneumatic chests need apply… 


Posted: 6th, January 2009 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink