
Anorak News | The Israel-Iran War Will Not Be Won

The Israel-Iran War Will Not Be Won

by | 7th, January 2009

THE latest Arab–Israeli war rages, although this time it features the Israelis taking on Hamas, a group backed by the non-Arab Iranian regime.

The fighting features on four of the nationals’ front pages:

The factual:

DAILY MAIL: “40 die in Gaza school.”

The circumspect:

THE TIMES (front page): “40 die as Israel mortar strikes UN school.”

The accusatory:

THE GUARDIAN: “Gaza’s day of carnage. 40 dead as Israelis bomb two UN schools.”

The despairing:

THE SCOTSMAN: “How many more?”

The answer is that there will be more deaths on both sides. This is a bitter war. The result of it will be a short-lived peace for Israel and short-lived sense of security for her people.

Palestinian factions will continue to use arms, and outside force will foment terror and fear, to adapt the horror to support their vested interest.

The non-Islamist Palestinians, those who do not support of war and claim to love death as we in the West love life will be shouted down by the jihadis, and worse. And women… Where are the female Palestinian leaders to take over from the jingoistic men? 

Mark Lynch attended an address by Sallai Meridor, Israel’s Ambassador to the America:

Asked three times by audience members, Meridor simply could not offer any plausible explanation as to how its military campaign in Gaza would achieve its stated goals. Indeed, he at times seemed to offer this absence of strategy as a virtue, as evidence that the war had been forced upon Israel rather than chosen: “we have no grand political scheme… we were forced to defend ourselves to provide better security, period.”

And the papers will be full of more images of ruined lives…

Posted: 7th, January 2009 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink