
Anorak News | The Ten Best Acting Awards Speeches Of All Time

The Ten Best Acting Awards Speeches Of All Time

by | 13th, January 2009
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KATE Winslet accepts her Golden Globe and re-enact Meg Ryan’s famous scene from when Harry Met Sally.

After Winslet’s gush and Gwyneth Paltow’s Oscar spew, the stage is cleared for the Anorak Awards Show.

Here are the 10 Best Awards Acceptance Speeches Ever.

Before we go on, I’d just like to thank everybody I’ve ever met: Dr Patel, Midwife Jane, Elizabeth Rex, Bob, Tim, Lucy, Petra the tortoise, Danny, Bill the cabbie, Patricia, Judy, Fran, mum…

10. Laurence Olivier – Lifetime Achievement (1979)

Mr. President and Governors of the Academy, Committee Members, fellows, my very noble and approved good masters [these last seven words were from Othello], my colleagues, my friends, my fellow-students. In the great wealth, the great firmament of your nation’s generosity, this particular choice may perhaps be found by future generations as a trifle eccentric, but the mere fact of it–the prodigal, pure, human kindness of it–must be seen as a beautiful star in that firmament which shines upon me at this moment, dazzling me a little, but filling me with warmth and the extraordinary elation, the euphoria that happens to so many of us at the first breath of the majestic glow of a new tomorrow.

From the top of this moment, in the solace, in the kindly emotion that is charging my soul and my heart at this moment, I thank you for this great gift which lends me such a very splendid part in this, your glorious occasion. Thank you.

9. Julia Roberts – Erin Brockovich (2001)

I want to thank you all, but not you, Erin Brockovich. Not you. No thanks for you.

8. Reese Witherspoon – WalkThe Line (2006)

7. Marlon Brando (Godfather)

Marlon Brando – In 1973, an Apache Indian called Sacheen Littlefeather, aka the non-Native American actress who opined:

“I think awards in this country at this time are inappropriate to be received or given until the condition of the American Indian is drastically altered. If we are not our brother’s keeper, at least let us not be his executioner.”

6. Jane Wyman – Johnny Belinda (1949)

“I accept this very gratefully for keeping my mouth shut for once. I think I’ll do it again.”

And that was it.

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