
Anorak News | Fans Of Hamas FC On Tour In London

Fans Of Hamas FC On Tour In London

by | 13th, January 2009

GATEWAY Pundit posts this video on his site. And watching it – “cowards”; poof”; a chant anyone can join in with; loadsa coppers; colours; effin’ and blindin’; a fat man in an anorak with his arms outstretched offering out the police – Anorak concludes that this is where the Asians who don’t fancy football hooliganism go on a weekend.

The “peace protesters” chased the police down the street screaming “Run you f**king cowards!” and “Allahu Akhbar!”

Infidel Bloggers Alliance discovered the video of this unbelievable scene on the streets of London (Video NSFW):

Those Hamas FC songs in full:

When Hamas goes up to collect the FA Cup, we’ll be there…

You’re going home in a Red Cresent ambulance

Third word war and no more world cups

You get a boot thrown at your head, boot thrown at your head

And many more…

Posted: 13th, January 2009 | In: Politicians Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink