
Anorak News | Bernie Ecclestone And Slavica Divorce: Go Action Figure

Bernie Ecclestone And Slavica Divorce: Go Action Figure

by | 23rd, January 2009

NEWS of Bernie Eccelstone’s hiring of Guy Ritchie’s divorce lawyer is accompanied in all papers by shot of Bernie’s estranged wife Slavica and her action figure.

Ecclestone is said to have hired one Lady Helen Ward to fight over a fortune he placed in Slavica’s name. The Star says the money is in an offshore account, and that Slavic enjoys “non domiciled tax status”.

And so it might be that in this latest mega-divorce it is Ecclestone who is looking for a settlement from his good lady wife.

And if he must cite something as a reason for the split, he may ask the judge to wonder why she spends so much time with her aforesaid toy…


Posted: 23rd, January 2009 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink