
Anorak News | Drugs cheat: I wish I’d lied earlier

Drugs cheat: I wish I’d lied earlier

by | 10th, February 2009

BRITISH sprinter Dwain Chambers says he wishes he had continued to lie about using banned steroids. His justification for such a stance? Poor Dwain feels that he has not been forgiven since he owned up.

Damn honesty and its unfortunate consequences. (As Homer Simpson might say.)

Chambers made the bizarre admission during a radio interview with Victoria Derbyshire (the most patronising and annoying woman in the world, fact fans) on BBC Five Live.

Anorak often hears people say that drug cheats deserve forgiveness and a second chance, but using banned substances is rarely a one-off error of judgment – it’s a concerted, pre-meditated effort to cheat the system, rather than a lone lapse. So does Dwain deserve more sympathy. No, in a word.

Watch Chambers tie another noose for himself below:

Posted: 10th, February 2009 | In: Sports 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink