
Anorak News | Twins Hassan and Abbas O With Same DNA Go Free In German Jewellery Heist

Twins Hassan and Abbas O With Same DNA Go Free In German Jewellery Heist

by | 20th, March 2009

TO the Kaufhaus Des Westens department store, Berlin, where identical twin brothers Hassan and Abbas O are, as is alleged, enacting a jewellery heist,making off with an estimated €5 million worth of swag.

Police find a glove left at the scene of the crime. Now the villain are for it.

The brothers are arrested. But because of their indistinguishable DNA, neither can be individually linked to the crime.

German law stipulates that each criminal must be individually proven guilty. The problem in the case of the O. brothers is that their twin DNA is so similar that neither can be exclusively linked to the evidence using current methods of DNA analysis. So even though both have criminal records and may have committed the heist together, Hassan and Abbas O. have been set free.

Neither brother offers a comment, although both are believed to be thinking the same thing… and the booty has yet to be recovered.

Posted: 20th, March 2009 | In: Strange But True Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink