BBC Breakfast Presenter Vomits Live ON TV
BBC Breakfast news frump Kate Silverton is wearing a vomit shirt made for radio. The Mail snipes at the lousy blouse.
But his is Kate Silverton, who has already out-smugged one co-host, and as one UK critic said, she looks “not only as if she had come fresh from a beauty salon but as if she usually worked in one”.
Since being able to read English out loud and sit still is pretty much the only prerequisite for the job of news presenter, Silverton should be able to cope as well as any five-year-old reading her story out in class.
But that blouse…
Today Kate is on the telly. She’s dressed in black. Kate says she’s in mourning, which may be a pun, but given how the BBC has reacted to news of Jade Goody’s death, we doubt it is.
Kate is holding up a copy of the Daily Mail. National Breakfast news on the BBC is bringing you pictures of its newsreader in a blouse in the Daily Mail, live!
It’s what you pay the licence fee for…
Posted: 26th, March 2009 | In: Reviews 3 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink