The New Yorks Times Slaughters Darfur
THE New Tork Times is in the mire. But who bad is it? Well lives are being lost and many are starving:
Speaking at Stanford Thursday, Keller compared the quest to save the Times, a powerful and once-wealthy newspaper that brought itself to the brink of financial ruin, with the genocide of poor Africans in Darfur. Politico:
Commenting on the keep-the-Times alive movement, Keller [New York Times executive editor Bill Keller] said: “Saving the New York Times now ranks with saving Darfur as a high-minded cause.”
As Ryan Tate puts it:
As of September 2006, the United Nations estimated 400,000 people dead in Darfur; a U.S. GAO report found the highest confidence in a report of between 98,000 and 181,000 dead.
It; a massacre out there – memo to staff form Bill, Scott and Andy:
Dear Colleagues,
In a note just distributed, Arthur and Janet informed us that the company, regrettably, must take even more aggressive steps to control our costs. Clearly, our course is not getting any easier. The recession, especially the deteriorating advertising climate, is exacting a bitter toll, despite all that we have already done to reduce spending.
This morning, we notified about 100 employees on the business side of The Times that their jobs were being eliminated. We thank these dedicated colleagues for all they have contributed to The Times over the years.
The 1,200-strong newsroom is safe?
“The answer is no,” said Mr. Keller, according to an attendee. “No, I do not see another round of newsroom staff reductions on the horizon.”
He said that hiring will be “even more selective than before,” but the goal is to avoid painful cuts that other newspapers have made.
Earlier this year, the Times cut 100 newsroom positions, leaving the total newsroom body count around 1200—bigger than any other single newspaper’s newsroom in the country.
But there is a cause in there somewhere. the NY Times must smash the evil Internet or else get George Clooney fast!
Posted: 3rd, April 2009 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink