
Anorak News | Princess Eugenie And Party Mugged In Cambodia

Princess Eugenie And Party Mugged In Cambodia

by | 4th, May 2009

eugenie-gapDAY 129 of Princess Eugenie’s Grand Tour, and the young royal is meeting with muggers in Cambodia.

Can Eugenie learn to live off the proceeds of crime in a Cambodian housing estate – without getting fat?

Sky News reports:

A bandit grabbed a purse belonging to a friend of the younger daughter of the Duke of York during a night out in Phnom Penh.

What next?

A Buckingham Palace source tells the Sun:

“(Police) feared the incident was escalating out of control and took the decision to focus on the safety of their principal.”

“Police” being Eugenie’s Royal protection officers which are acting as crew members on Eugenie’s mission.

How much was in the stolen purse, readers do not learn.

But the police protection for Eugenie during the trip is said to cost in the region of £100,000.

And the boys in cut-off blue jeans and tan are just fine…

Posted: 4th, May 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink