
Anorak News | Royal Mint Issues 20 pence Coin Worth £50

Royal Mint Issues 20 pence Coin Worth £50

by | 29th, June 2009

20-pTHE BBC reports that a batch of 20p coins issued with no date on them “could be worth £50 each”.

The BBC says the coins were issued “accidentally”. Although if 20 pence can be worth £50 by leaving off a date then why not repeat the mistake with 1 penny pieces and so turn each little coin in £2.50?

Or, better yet, turn the might £2 coin into £500.

The BBC notes:

A batch of somewhere between 50,000 and 200,000 of the coins are thought to have entered circulation.

Loadsa money all round!

Posted: 29th, June 2009 | In: Money Comments (11) | TrackBack | Permalink