
Anorak News | Michael Jackson Bought Drugs As Jack London, Omar Arnold, Barack Obama And Pete Doherty

Michael Jackson Bought Drugs As Jack London, Omar Arnold, Barack Obama And Pete Doherty

by | 2nd, July 2009

michael-jackson-drugsMICHAEL Jackson Watch: TMZ reports that Michael Jackson frequently used the names Omar Arnold and Jack London to get powerful drugs, including Demerol”.

Anorak hears rumours that Jackson also used the names Neda Soltan, Neda Soltani, Madeleine McCann, Manchester United, Cristiano Ronaldo (that enough?), Secret Sex Video, Angelina Jolie Naked (the SEO says keep going), Brad Pitt, Barack Obama and Prince Harry Windsor. (Enough, this isn’t the Liverpool Post, The Guardian or Habitat.)

Choosing a drugs name can be perilous, not least of all for Omar Arnold, who it turns out is an “American Grad Student ’08” and judging by his Facebook picture enjoys a game of pool.

Jackson may do for Arnold what Iran did for Neda Soltani, the woman whose Facebook portrait became the face of Iran’s Pink Revolution and Neda Soltan, who at the time of her murder had her own face.

TMZ goes on:

Jackson also used the name of one of his bodyguards, as well as the name of the office manager for one of his doctors.

Old Mr Anorak would like it known that Jackson also used the name Tarquinnius Augustus Anorak, who was wrongly arrested for possession.

He must be cleared. As must Peter Doherty, Amy Winehouse, Matt The Talc (“Told you I was innocent”) and all the gang at the Dorset’s Rave Cave…

Posted: 2nd, July 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comment | TrackBack | Permalink