
Anorak News | Perez Hilton Is The Sweet Smell of Success

Perez Hilton Is The Sweet Smell of Success

by | 18th, July 2009

perez-hilton-is-a-twatPEREZ Hilton, the gossip hack gone native is exposed does not even bother to author his own blog. Anorak’s Man in LA takes a look at the man who would be JJ Hunsecker: 

Perez Hilton admits he doesn’t even write his own column. He gets his kid sister Barbara to do the dirty work, without credit. Why does Perez all of a sudden remind us even more of JJ Hunsecker, the nasty, vindictive gossip columnist portrayed by Burt Lancaster in The Sweet Smell of Success? No, not because Lancaster was gay, but because of JJ’s sick, inappropriately close relationship with his sister Barbara. Does Drudge have a sister?

TB; image: 14

Posted: 18th, July 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink