
Anorak News | Tom Cruise Kisses Victoria Beckham At LA Galaxy Match

Tom Cruise Kisses Victoria Beckham At LA Galaxy Match

by | 20th, July 2009
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7597049WHILE David Beckham was risking his neat hair and shaving contract by confronting fans at the LA Lakers / Galaxy/ Astros/ Hobos/ Milanos, Victoria Beckham was doing what she does best: being overdressed at the football and neglecting to answer the popular refrain from the terraces.

And she was not alone. To Sticky Vicky’s side was Tom Cruise, the celebrity Scientologist recruiter who wants to be friendly with the Beckhams.

Anorak’s Man with a Lens was at the game and has pictures of those important box scenes:

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Posted: 20th, July 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink