
Anorak News | Michael Jackson To Join Reformed Jackson Five

Michael Jackson To Join Reformed Jackson Five

by | 25th, July 2009

michael-jackson-still-deadMICHAEL Jackson Watch: “Michael Jackson still dead,” chorus the media organs. But wait – Jackson’s alive?! News is that the remaining Jackson 4 look to recapture the Jackson Five with technical wizardry…

The National Enquirer reports on a rumour (yes, we know) that Joe Jackson is looking towards a Jackson Five reunion with Marlon and Jackie joining the loquacious Jermaine and Tito on backing vocals to a song Michael never released.

But why stop there? With a hologram, Jackson can join his brothers on stage, along with a host of those other Michael Jacksons in London’s big oxygen tent.

It being what Michael Jackson would have wanted…

Tribute image: 14

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Posted: 25th, July 2009 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink