
Anorak News | The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait In Dots

The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait In Dots

by | 27th, July 2009
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20041389991MICHAEL Jackson Tribute Watch: you’ve had your vibrating thrills, spread the butter and now you can take part in The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait – because every dot is a person…

It being what Georges-Pierre Seurat would have wanted.

Michael Jackson’s music has been the soundtrack to all of our lives. It is with great sadness that the world adjusts to the reality that Michael Jackson has evolved from being a superstar into a legend…

…into a portrait…

A Portrait of Michael Jackson created from millions of hand-drawn dots will invite millions of fans worldwide to become part of Jackson’s legacy by getting a free dot in the portrait in their name. A dot is not drawn on the canvass until someone signs up for it; at least one million fans (dots) are needed to complete the image of the King of Pop, with room in the portrait for many more millions to participate… Every single hand-drawn dot David places on his canvas represents a real person.

Jackson in dots. It’s as cutting edge as Jackson in gumballs, Jackson in words, Jackson in children’s breakast cereal and Jackson in,er, dots,.

Says David Ilan on his artwork:

All dots are created equal and all people are created equal.

Apart from the handicapped, poor and sick dots. Go on…

David Ilan: “After Michael Jackson died, it was obvious what an impact he has had on the world, he really did try to make it a better place. I remember once, I saw a limo in front of my house and someone later told me that it was Michael Jackson. I wish that I had known because I would have approached him…”

The Jackson I never knew.

DI: “The thing that also amazes me is that so far with this project the fourth highest ranking country in regard to the number of people that have signed up is Iran… Michael was such an inspiration with his songs talking about world peace, and the people in places like Iran and Iraq, they are passionate about peace, and they are passionate about Michael Jackson.”

Apart from, those dots armed with AK47s and suicide vests and pistols and nuclear bombs…

DI: Yes he was. I can’t really say what charities were involved, but I know that he did give a lot of money also to other charities that no one ever knew about, anonymously. He didn’t want recognition.

No, this is not a parody. This is art. Thsi, dear reader, is recognition…

Those Jackson Portraits:

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Posted: 27th, July 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink