
Anorak News | Barack Obama’s Birthday Cake, Pictures

Barack Obama’s Birthday Cake, Pictures

by | 3rd, August 2009
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7662826HAVING mused on Barack Obama’s beer glasses – and his oh-so sensitive choice of Guinness for the officer and beer blanc for the professor – we turn to Obama’s 48th brithday cake.

Should a white woman pop from the cake, or a black woman. Or what about a white woman dusted in cocoa powder and a black woman encased in white icing, one wearing the hijab, the other a wimple?

Being Barack Obama in post-racial America is hard. The people need so much controlling.

Pictures of the big white chocolate cake cake, with candles fashioned into a Menora hereunder:

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Posted: 3rd, August 2009 | In: Politicians 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink