Michael Jackson Homicide: Wacked Off Jacko Donated Sperm
MICHAEL Jackson Homicide Watch: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at Michael Jackson in the news – sperm, marijuana, propofol and more found in Jackson’s body and home…
The Los Angeles County’s coroner’s report says Michael Jackson’s death was homicide. Officer La Toya Jackson (“and me, Tito”) of the La-PD always gets her man.
The cause of death is “acute propofol intoxication“. Big news on the media. this is propofol, the drug that Jackson’s Doctor Conrad Murray gave him the day before he died. Who would have guessed that it would be in Jackson’s system after death?
Other drugs in Jackson’s body include Midazolam, Diazepam, Lidocaine, Lorazepam and Ephedrine. The new Jackson Five.
But no traces of weed?
Marijuana and numerous empty drug bottles were found by police officers at Michael Jackson’s home shortly after he died, according to search warrants unsealed on Thursday.
Two bags of marijuana, a bottle of temazepam (used to treat sleeplessness), empty bottles of the sedatives lorzaepam and diazepam were discovered during the search. They also found four other empty pill bottles with no indication as to what may have been in them.
We would know more but the full toxicology report remains sealed, at the request of the LA Police Department and the city’s district attorney. Why?
Edward Chernoff, who represents Dr. Conrad Murray, says he’s at a loss as to why the Los Angeles County coroner’s office only released a brief summary of the results Friday, including that Jackson’s death was a homicide and the cause was the powerful anesthetic propofol and another sedative.
Chernoff says he needs to know precisely what levels of various drugs were detected and said the failure to release the report seemed like “gamesmanship.”
Dr Murray is not a named suspect, just routinely linked to Jackson’s death.
Meanwhile, Dr Conrad Murray has to be ruled out as being Jackson’s son:
Michael Jackson’s worried family are set to fly samples of his DNA to a secure English clinic in case unscrupulous fortune seekers use it to create a new heir to the star’s mega fortune.
The move was planned after it was discovered the King of Pop gave a sperm sample to a Los Angeles donor bank last year when he was considering having a fourth child.
Considering? And Old Anorak grabs his crotch and wimpers. Daddy…
Posted: 28th, August 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink