
Anorak News | Greg Lott’s Farrah Fawcett Love Story

Greg Lott’s Farrah Fawcett Love Story

by | 30th, September 2009

118FARRAH Fawcett has died, and with her passing came news of her romance with a Greg Lott.

Writes Our Man in LA: The tabloids know a good love story when they see one. Thanks in great part to publications like OK! magazine’s international editions (in this case, Mexico), Greg Lott’s secret autumn romance with college sweetheart Farrah Fawcett is getting as much play as Ryan O’Neal’s real-life version of his movie from 1970.

The result of talking to OK! is that Lott enters the post-Farrah reality TV, read-all-about-it life.

Posted: 30th, September 2009 | In: OK! 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink