Jon Gosselin Makes His Own Millions Of Milkshakes
JON Gosselin, star of US reality TV show Jon and Kate Plus 8, is heading to California. Anorak’s Man on the scene picks up on the fervour:
Jon Gosselin’s been making headlines lately with his solemn promises of better behavior and a lower-key personal life. That apparently includes a trip to West Hollywood, California, and Famewhore hangout Millions of Milkshakes…
The cafe/ice creamery has a banner in place touting an upcoming appearance and namesake milkshake creation by the America’s favorite Octo-papa.
The Big Cheese can hardly wait to see what kind of concoction the father of eight whips up.
We’re guessing one of the main ingredients will be granola. Why? Because of his apparent affection for nuts (Hailey Glassman and Kate Major, anybody?) – RR
You know you’ve arrived when you get to order your eponymous lunch…
Posted: 1st, October 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink