
Anorak News | Sean Penn Pays Tribute To Eric Cantona In New Paparazzi Picture

Sean Penn Pays Tribute To Eric Cantona In New Paparazzi Picture

by | 3rd, October 2009

sean-penn-kickSEAN Penn is alleged to have kicked photographer Jordan Dawes in the manner of a keen amateur martial artist.

Penn as leaving the Brentwood Country Mart when Dawes appeared. Penn is alleged to become agitated and upset and lashed out with his feet.

TMZ puts it in sober tones:

Sean Penn went ballistic on a paparazzo this afternoon — and we’ve learned the photog just filed a police report against the actor.

At times like this we would like to defer to former Manchester United footballer Eric Cantona, king of the celebrity king-fu strop, who these days is working as actor. Should Cantona’s career fails to hit the dizzy heights – and let’s not forget chins – of his footballing era, we can look forward to the French Chuck Norris offering his opinion of Penn’s kick in 1001 Best Celebrity Hissy Fits on Channel 4.

For now though he is hard to track down and we must fend for ourselves, channel our inner Bruce Lee.

First up, the picture suggests that Sean Penn is less short than miniscule. He looks less like an action hero than a small child having a strop in the supermarket car park, while a smirking dad records the event for posterity and his wedding speech.

In the next pictures it’s not hard to envisage Dawes resting an extended hand on Penn’s head while Pen’s gives it the full windmill.

The talk of repeated blows being struck makes me wonder if Penn is partial to sweets, in particular orange Chewits.

Secondly, Penn’s mouth is contorted into impression of Albert Steptoe, a character not famed for being a TV hard man.

And lastly, Penn’s foot only manages – apparently – to strike Dawes on his upper thigh. He is also wearing sneekers – white-ish ones – when a naked foot would offer so much more menace.

In the end, the case will rumble on until Penn’s people smooth things over and other pap’s know that to gain the actor’s attention they should dress as a kickbag and bring sherbet…

Posted: 3rd, October 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink