
Anorak News | Rupert Murdoch Beats Barack Obama And Waitrose: Video

Rupert Murdoch Beats Barack Obama And Waitrose: Video

by | 23rd, October 2009

fox-newsBARACK Obama doesn’t want to talk to Fox News. Waitrose, the British supermarket, pulls its adverts from Fox news as customers take offence at host Glenn Beck taking offence at Obama (he says that Obama – who is half white – is anti-white).

Obama should laugh it off. But instead he has a hissy fit and his administration says that everyone can come into the big press pool pit except Fox. The other big networks revolts. One out, all out.

Obama is forced to back down.

And in Blighty – well, Waitrose is handing out free copies of the Times with every food delivery by Ocado. Who owns the Times. Rupert Murdoch owns the Times. Who owns Fox… ?

Anyone? Video:

Posted: 23rd, October 2009 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink