
Anorak News | Scare Story: Fructose Is A Silent Killer

Scare Story: Fructose Is A Silent Killer

by | 30th, October 2009

killer-raspberries-smallerSCARE story of the day comes via the Daily Express’ front page, which tells readers that the sugary stuff in their tea is deadly:


The Express loves a silent killer.

* STOP THIS SILENT KILLER – THE family of a Scottish student who died after doctors failed to diagnose her deep vein thrombosis (DVT) are demanding a new screening programme to detect the silent killer. –

* A QUARTER of Britons are unaware that they are suffering from the “silent killer” of high blood pressure, and run the risk of being afflicted by a stroke.

* GRIN OF A SILENT KILLER – It Virginia Tech killer Cho Seung-Hui

Today’s silent killer is sweetner.

MILLIONS of Britons are risking high blood pressure by consuming snacks that contain a common sweetener, a study has revealed. Fructose is found in many everyday products, including bread, cereals, cakes, sweets and soft drinks.

And fruit?

Now researchers have found that even a small amount of the sweetener – equivalent to two-and-a-half sugary drinks a day – can increase the risk of high blood pressure by almost 90 per cent.

It can?

The study is one of the first to find a strong link between fructose and high blood pressure – also known as hypertension.

From it “can”, we now have a “strong link”.

In the UK, 16 million people suffer from high blood pressure but around one in three are not aware they have it, which is why it is often known as the “silent killer”.

Maybe if Death can polish that sickle a bit louder?

It can trigger strokes, heart attacks, heart failure and kidney disease. There is also evidence it can lead to vascular dementia.

What evidence? We are never told. But what of the fructose research?

But US scientists at the University of Colorado found that soaring rates of hypertension over the past two decades exactly match the huge rise in consumption of fructose.

Fact. Or, er coincidence?

Dr Diana Jalal, who led the study, found that consuming more than 74 grams of fructose a day dramatically increased the risk of hypertension…The team believes this rise occurred regardless of how obese participants were or how many calories they consumed.

“Believes..?” What about those facts?

The paper concluded that: “These results indicate that high fructose intake in the form of added sugars is significantly and independently associated with higher blood pressure levels in the US adult population with no previous history of hypertension.”

Indicate? Still, this is enough for a front-page scare story and for vested–interest groups to nod:

Sue Massey, deputy executive director of UK charity the Blood Pressure Association, said: “This piece of research further highlights the link between an unhealthy diet and high blood pressure. Of course, added sugar isn’t the only culprit. That is why we believe the best way to prevent high blood pressure is to try to indulge your sweet tooth only occasionally and focus on having an overall balanced diet, with plenty of fruit and vegetables.”

Because fruit contains something called… fructose.

As for the science:

The authors of the latest research said that additional studies were needed to see if low fructose diets could normalise blood pressure and prevent the development of hypertension.

So no proof of anything, then.

Posted: 30th, October 2009 | In: Reviews Comments (6) | TrackBack | Permalink