
Anorak News | For Sale: 5,000 Beijing Olympic Condoms

For Sale: 5,000 Beijing Olympic Condoms

by | 6th, November 2009

olympic-condoms-300x176WANNA buy some Official Beijing Olympics 2008 condoms? Leftovers. One careful owner. Any takers? Each condom packet bears the legend “faster, higher, stronger”. (Faster. But not too fast.)

During the Games, the powers that be distributed 100,000 condoms to the thrusting athletes, embodiments of pumped up testosterone to a man, and, in many cases, to a woman.

Not all of the rubbers were used, possibly because many of the Chinese team were pre-pubescent and not everyone had to give a urine sample (a condom will hold two pints of tea-totaller’s wee when strapped to the leg.)

Zhao Xiaokai ended up with 5% of the free condoms. And they can be tours for a I’m-robbin’-meself-I-really-am knock-down, bish-bosh-bash price of ($730) (minimum bid).

You can make your bid at the “Exceptional Auction of China Sport Collection” on November 29th.

Says auctioneer Guo Lei:

“Although anyone married should be interested for their practical use, some people will be too shy to bid for the condoms.”

Others will wonder how 95,000 condoms were used in two weeks of competition. And if it’s true what they say about weightlifters?

Posted: 6th, November 2009 | In: Sports 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink