
Anorak News | X Factor: Peaches Geldof Piles On the Misery For Jedward

X Factor: Peaches Geldof Piles On the Misery For Jedward

by | 8th, November 2009

7845384X FACTOR Watch: Your daily X Factor news round-up: hating Jedward with Peaches Geldof.

Daily Mirror: “STOP HATING US”

The Jedward twins told last night how they have become the victims of a “savage” hate campaign being waged by vile X Factor obsessives

Like the, er, Daily Mirror and every other organ with a page to fill?

We were in the street walking to our dance class when a whole family came past in a black car and shouted out, ‘We hate you. You’re w******’. Edward was shaken up and very upset. I had to calm him down and tell him not to think about it. All we want is for people to love us.”

Can’t we just be indifferent to you?


John and Edward Grimes faced cruel jibes and taunts for years in their home town thanks to their wacky clothes and cocky attitude

Cock-sure twins are, er, bullied. and just when you thoght Jedward had suffered enough:

NP: “Peaches Geldof : Peaches Geldof wants to marry X Factor’s Edward Grimes”

The 20-year-old Geldof is smitten by the Irish brothers and has been going gaga about them on her Twitter page.

And when she met the two backstage at The X Factor studios. She Tweeted: “I screamed when they walked in,” reports the Daily Star. Edward was stunned when she proposed to marry him by the end of the night.

Which she did?


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Posted: 8th, November 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink