David Beckham And Ronan Keating’s Hair In Fight To The Death
HAIR Watch: Anorak looks at two recent pictures of celebrity award–winning barnets of yesteryear: David Beckham and Ronan Keating.
In 1998, Keating was voted Most Fanciable Male on the Planet at the Smash Hits Poll Winners Party, 2003. Keating was once named Rear of the Year. His hair also own a prize.
Says Ronan:
I don’t want to put on weight, I want to look my best. Most people in this day and age are far more aware of their image than they used to be. It’s important, but it’s not the be all and end all.
And here’s David Beckham. And his pet hair. News is that it’s Tribute to X Factor Duracell gonks Jedward. It’s might even sing better then them.
Neither man – both pretty in their youth – asked to win an award for their looks. But they did. Beckham also sells male grooming products. And in accepting these gongs and plaudits Beckham and Keating allow the media to look at them and pass judgement.
(That enough reason to feature these images of fight wigs – ed?)
Take look at both dos. In a fight whose hair would win? For our part, we say Beckham’s. He lives in LA where hair comes with a zip.
Both men also have beards, which may or may not be interesting.
Note: That Ronan Keating picture appears on today’s Daily Mirror, besides the headline: “I MAY NEVER GET OVER LOSING…”
No, not hair. The answer is “Steo.”, as in Steven Gately. Keating is hairy as ever he was, allegedly.
Spotter: Bat E Bird in the you know where.
Posted: 16th, November 2009 | In: Celebrities 4 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink