
Anorak News | Twighlight New Moon Video: RPattz Tells All About His Love For KWart

Twighlight New Moon Video: RPattz Tells All About His Love For KWart

by | 18th, November 2009

pattinson-stewart-sexROBERT Pattinson, RPattz and Kristen Stewart, Kwart, are promoting their new Twilight film new moon. And they have touched hands. In public. If you are one of these people, this touching has deep significance.

So are they dating? Well, no. It’s all a big sub-plot to the main film plot. Soon Kwart will have to rest a hand over her tummy, which is Hollywood short hand for babies. And all the while they can’t shag the groupies. Fame hurts.

The easy thing to do is to ask RPattz is he is locking fangs with Kwart. So Ryan Seacrest, the American Idol host with the teeth, asks them.

Does he answer? Yes. What does he says? Whatever his handlers tell him to. Roll the tape:

In Pictures: Twilight New Moon Premier With Robert Pattinson’s Acne Cure

Posted: 18th, November 2009 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink