
Anorak News | Frankie Sandford’s Slasher Dress Bum Note And Other Terrific Mistakes

Frankie Sandford’s Slasher Dress Bum Note And Other Terrific Mistakes

by | 20th, November 2009
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80345651POOR Frankie Sandford is a singer with The Saturdays, a Girls Aloud –Spice Girls tribute act and a graduate of S Club Juniors, youth wing of former cabaret act S Club 7. She’s done a Clare Danes and shown lots of flesh.

It all went terribly wrong when Sandford arrived at the Variety Club Awards. The Variety Club is a charity helps young, disabled and disadvantaged children. Sandford, currently dating McFly singer Dougie Poynter, arrived on the red carpet wearing a short dress through which a section of her backside was peeking out.

We had thought she’d worn it for the children, to cheer them up. But it turns out that showing your bum in public was all a terrific mistake. Did you see it? Did you? Says Sandford:

“When we went down the red carpet the photographers kept asking us to turn around and look over our shoulders. It wasn’t until afterwards that Mollie and Una pointed out that the reason they kept asking was because my dress had a big slit right on my bum cheek! Now it all makes sense!”

You know how it is – the stylist hands you a dress in the pitch black, you put it on and step out before you’ve had a chacne to look in the mirror. There are peek-a-boo gaps in the front of the dress too.

It’s all terrifically embarrassing. And having got Sanford in the papers once, the terrible dress now means she is in Old Mr Anorak’s alBum…

After the jump: NSFW – unless you work in the Saturdays… And do pay attention to Frankie’s fans – the ones who come to stare:

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Posted: 20th, November 2009 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink