
Anorak News | X Factor: George Michael Sees The Light And The Jonas Brothers Back Jedward

X Factor: George Michael Sees The Light And The Jonas Brothers Back Jedward

by | 21st, November 2009

7819205X FACTOR Watch: George Michael spots the leading lights and the Jonas Brothers back Jedward.

The trick with the X Factor publicists is to keep the show in people’s minds in the long week, when I’m A Celebrity occupies all thoughts and front pages.

It’s achieved by non news. Today’s non-news news story is that George Michael might watch the show.

A show insider tells the Mirror:

“George is hoping to come and watch the live shows this weekend.”

Hoping? As it he can’t get tickets and is using the Mirror to angle for some? Or hoping as in should he not get a better offer, George Michael might spend his weekend amid a TV studio audience, sat alongside a few deranged Jedward fans and a woman who has been in Jeremy Kyle’s audience 17 times.

That said, George Michael is a man who gets entertained by traffic lights. Look out for him.

In other news, the Jonas Brothers – the Disney act that squeeks when they wee – says:

Nick Jonas tells The Mirror: “We love brother bands. Thumbs up to Jedward.”

Jedward are, of course, husband and wife. But keep it to yourselves…

X Factor: The Top Items For Sale In The Jedward Shop

Jedward: X Factor John And Edward Look Alike Gallery

X Factor: How To Tell Jedward Apart, And Look Alike Gallery

Posted: 21st, November 2009 | In: Celebrities 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink