
Anorak News | Rupert Everett Explains Why You Should Vote For David Cameron And His Tory Toffs

Rupert Everett Explains Why You Should Vote For David Cameron And His Tory Toffs

by | 30th, November 2009

7607823ANYONE still wondering whether or not to vote for high-pitched David Cameron and his ‘There’s no-other-option’ Tories can knows that if he gets in then Rupert Everett, the acting toff, is going to leave the country.

Rupert “Lives in London, New York, Paris & Miami.”

And if you want to know where the action is, follow Rupert:

What’s more, he has a special knack of always being where the action is: in Moscow with the tanks and Yeltsin during the 1991 coup, strolling through downtown Manhattan on 11 September, nightclubbing in Miami with Gianni Versace before he was shot, sleeping with Béatrice Dalle when she was the most desirable woman in France, having an affair with Paula Yates when she was one half of the most famous couple in Britain. Not forgetting his most publicly defining role: gay best friend to Madonna.

This is the Everett who offered:

Hollywood is a place that pretends it’s very liberal but it’s not remotely,” he told The Times. “It’s like Al-Qaeda.”

So why doesn’t Rupert Everett like the Tories, he understand because, like him, they’re toffs?

He insisted that Cameron and his cronies had “got no perspective on reality“.

As the Hollywood actor said the great unwashed…

Vote now and vote often…

Posted: 30th, November 2009 | In: Politicians Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink