
Anorak News | Ashlee Simpson-Wenzt In Her Chicago Broadway Debut, In Pictures

Ashlee Simpson-Wenzt In Her Chicago Broadway Debut, In Pictures

by | 1st, December 2009

ANORAK’S Man in New York was there to see Ashlee Simpson-Wentz perform in Chicago the Musical on Broadway. So many actors, singers, reality TV stars have starred in the show that it must be Ashlee Simpson-Wentz’s turn. Ashlee has turned her hands to pretty much every showbiz trick in a bid for fame – she named her son Bronx Mowgli, spells her conventional name unconventionally, has a showbiz sister (the almost human-like inflatable doll Jessica Simpson), endured cosmetic surgery, lip-synched on the telly (she was unable to sing because of “acid reflux disease”) and starred in a serialised TV boast card about her life, where her acid reflux was one of the few things left unmentioned. Can musical theatre be the showbiz thing she’s good at? Here she is, in pictures:


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Jessica Simpson poses at a party for sister Ashlee Simpson-Wentz making her Broadway debut in the musical 'Chicago' held at the Inc. Lounge inThe Time Hotel, New York

Posted: 1st, December 2009 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink