Identity Minister Meg Hillier Loses Her ID Card, Blames Baby
APOLOGIES for missing the story of Identity Minister Meg Hillier rocking up at an ID card showcase and – ho-ho – forgetting her ID card. The Liverpool Post delivers a vision:
The former journalist and mother patted herself down and checked her handbag for the missing card before putting the slip-up down to the demands of looking after her baby.
Is the baby really her baby or her cleaner’s? Can she prove it?
She was then taken from this place, held in a police station, ordered to return to the station with proof of ID and asked if she’d ever been black, talked a funny accent or ended her name in a vowel. Another Meg Hillier lost her passport not too long ago. Any ideas where it went.”Mrs HILLIER”?
Not rally. Meg laughed it off and went on her merry way. You, on the other hand, are shafted…
Posted: 17th, December 2009 | In: Politicians 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink