Tiger Woods: Drugs, Women And A Secret Deal
TIGER Woods: After the women (see them here) Let’s make it worse, with John Steigerwald, who writes a Sunday column for Pittsburgh’s Observer-Reporter, has a question about drugs:
What if Tiger Woods cheated at golf by using performance-enhancing drugs?
It’s open season on Woods. But lest you reads the headline and think Steigerwald uses a sub header:
Guilty until proven innocent.
Thanks for the reminder. Undeterred by fact or research, he goes on:
Maybe you’ve heard that Tiger has some issues in his personal life that might put a crimp in his golf game for the foreseeable future. The stories about Tiger trying to become golf’s answer to Wilt Chamberlin make it pretty clear that he doesn’t have much of a problem with doing the wrong thing when he thinks nobody is looking.
That’s right. Woods is guilty until proven innocent but – nudge-nudge – he does like the extra-curricula stuff, allegedly. Undeterred Steigerwald hacks on:
Then, along comes a Canadian doctor named Anthony Galea, who has treated Tiger and who is under investigation by the Canadian Mounted Police for dispensing illegal performance-enhancing drugs. His assistant was arrested at the border after trying to bring some into the United States.
Of course, Tiger’s lawyer said that Woods was receiving treatments from Galea that were both legal and common and there was no connection to the investigation of Doc Galea.
And then the leap into the dark:
Tiger also denied all those mean things that were being said about how he behaved when he was away from home, too. Remember?
That caveat at the top of the article might not be enough. Of course, the thing with Woods is that so much has been said about him by so many people that using them all will be a massive undertaking. Thing is, you can pretty much say what you like about Woods and get away with it. If he contests the one thing he may be forced to confront the allegation of adultery in a place of record. He takes on one media organ and feeds the beast. So enjoy this flight of fancy, in which the innocent Woods is in court, or not:
There’s obviously no proof that Tiger is juiced and probably never will be. That means it’s highly unlikely that he could ever be found guilty in court.
One more thing: what you do read can be as telling as what you do not read:
Mr. Woods had cut an unusual deal with American Media Inc., the owner of both Men’s Fitness magazine and the National Enquirer tabloid newspaper. Mr. Woods agreed to the cover shot and photo spread in Men’s Fitness, whose circulation of about 700,000 per issue is less than half of Golf Digest’s nearly 1.7 million, in return for the National Enquirer squelching a story and photographs purportedly showing Mr. Woods in a liaison with a woman who wasn’t his wife, according to people directly involved in the arrangement.
Her name? Mindy Lawton.
American Media Inc. denies there was any deal to quash photos of Mr. Woods in a compromising situation.
This would be the National Enquirer which pointed the finger at Rachel Uchitel? What changed? And is the lesson for Woods that when the media gets wind of your failings that is the time to ‘fess up? You don’t bury the rumorus, you just load the chamber and leave the gun uncocked..
Posted: 20th, December 2009 | In: Key Posts, Sports 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink