
Anorak News | Identified: The Premier League Manager In Prostitute Sex Shame

Identified: The Premier League Manager In Prostitute Sex Shame

by | 23rd, December 2009

WHO is the Premier League manager caught “visiting hookers in a seedy brothel”?
The Sun leads with this news, and says the married manager went to a “grubby ‘Thai’ vice den hidden away on an industrial estate.

The adjectives tell the story: “sleazy”; “grubby.” Had the brothel been in a smart glass-fronted office block or in a quaint cottage in the Dales, things would not be so bad. As a source says:

“He has a huge responsibly to the directors, the players and the fans.”

Quite so. The Premier League is the showcase of the national game, it is broadcast around the globe to impressionable foreigners, and it rakes in billions of pounds in revenue. The whole thing will fall apart if one weak link visiting a £130-a-shag grotty brothel on a trading estate.

The Premier League demands Premier League prostitutes, Premier League brothels and wages in the thousands not in the hundreds. For shame! And it gets worse:

We watched as the football chief was driven to the “massage parlour” last week. He was still dressed in branded soccer training gear.

It’s a disaster!

Note: If it helps to get more Asians in football is it such a bad thing?


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Posted: 23rd, December 2009 | In: Sports 5 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink