
Anorak News | Umar Abdulmutallab Is Umab The ‘Human Bomb’

Umar Abdulmutallab Is Umab The ‘Human Bomb’

by | 28th, December 2009

body-bombUMAR Abdulmutallab – hereon known as Umab (hey, if it worked for Jedward and SuBo…) is part of a big network of Islamist bombers who will kill you all. The Sun says there are 25 of them at work.

And inside the paper, Nick Parker adds:

New peril of bombs they hide in bodies

The contest is on to make the bomb threat worse. Umab succeeded in setting fire to his hot pants. If he can do it, then so can many more, maybe.

And then there are these new bombs which can be swallowed or inserted up the bum, so allowing the would-be bomber to be microwaved in their seat. It’s huge news, and news that you may recall from October 2009, when the Daily Mail screamed:

“Air travellers could face even more intrusive security checks amid fears that Al Qaeda is planning a terror campaign using suicide bombers carrying explosives hidden in their bodies.”

Well, that’s what they’re planning. For now, though, Al Qaeda seems to be relying on Plan A: mentally negligible human matches…

Posted: 28th, December 2009 | In: Reviews 4 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink