
Anorak News | Van Morrison Sues Daily Mail Over Baby Stories

Van Morrison Sues Daily Mail Over Baby Stories

by | 4th, January 2010

4985152WHAT news of Van Morrison, new father at 64 to George Ivan Morrison III by one Gigi Lee? Well, having read the story on Decemeber 29, Van Morrison told one and all on December 31 that the story was nonsense – there is no baby and he and Wife Michelle are very happy. As he said:

“For the avoidance of all doubt and in the interests of clarity, I am very happily married to Michelle Morrison with whom I have two wonderful children.”

And on January 3, the Daily Mail says of Gigi Lee:

The paternity of her child can be settled beyond doubt only by a test. Meanwhile, Gigi, who is a friend of Jerry Hall’s sister Rosy, appears to have been happy to promote the idea that Morrison is the father.

In an apparently genuine email sent to her closest friend, Carla Higdon, on June 15 last year, she said: ‘You are going to be an auntie – I am having a little Van.’

An internet hack is replaced by an email – an alleged email from a person the Mail has not spoken with. Morrison replies:

“I have instructed my solicitors to institute immediate legal proceedings against the Mail on Sunday and will take all appropriate action to prevent repetition of these allegations.”

And on the Monday 4th January the Mail writes:

Morrison, Gigi and her ‘little Van’: the plot thickens

An internet hack is now a plot?

Van Morrison faced further questions yesterday after fresh revelations linked him to Gigi Lee, the blonde woman said to have had his lovechild.

Just 48 hours after a public relations expert said the married singer had never heard of Miss Lee, it emerged she was made a director of a string of his companies last year.

Miss Lee, a 42-year-old Texan who was also manager of Morrison’s recent tour, is listed in relation to at least eight of his businesses in Companies House documents in London, sometimes appearing both as secretary and director.

The appointments were made in April last year, just weeks before she reportedly told close friends she was pregnant by the 64-year-old Belfast-born singer…

You’d think a baby was a pretty hard thing to hide. Van Morrison says it’s all nonsense. The Mail offers no proof that it isn’t. And a man who never played the celebrity game becomes the subject of gossip.

Morrison’s friend, Dublin-based public relations executive John Saunders, said the singer had been dismayed by the claims, which came after he had enjoyed a quiet family Christmas at home in Dublin.

‘Clearly it is upsetting for all their family and for all their friends,’ said Mr Saunders. ‘I spoke to Van a short while ago and I said do you even know this person (Gigi Lee)?

‘He’s never heard the name at any stage in the past. He doesn’t know who this person is.’

Posted: 4th, January 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink